As the game of golf has evolved from its humble beginnings as a local sport to becoming an international, corporate business, it is easy to become diverted by things that don't impact the game itself. We face a constant barrage of tips and tricks for improving our swing. We have also seen a turn towards 'watering down' the rules associated with the game, lessening the impact of the guiding principles on which golf was founded. As the game evolves, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that golf is essentially still the same sport. You start at one point and finish at another, whilst obtaining the lowest score possible. This in itself is a difficult task without all of the outside fuss.
If you strip golf back to its core function and focus solely on the fundamentals associated with the game, there is a useful tool to have in your amour The Third Shot. Over the years, I have seen the benefit of a well-played third shot for a player. This shot is one that helps more players than any other, whether as a recovery or a progression shot. If used well, it benefits a player at any point of the game or on any hole.
So what is the third shot? Simply put, it's the third shot you play on each hole. Generally, the third shot is played close to the green, if not on the green. Ideally, it's part of your short game, which is why you should be practising your short game twice as much as your long game. If your third shot is further away from the hole than the ideal, then a well-played third shot will still offer a big advantage and give you an overall better score.
I often tell my clients that a good drive does help in setting up the hole, but if this isn't possible then a well-played third shot will help to alleviate a lot of the issues caused by the driver or second shot. Regardless of what level you play at, you always need a shot on a hole that helps you to recover your score and more times than not, the third shot is the best for this type of situation.
So, when you're next out on the golf course, I encourage you to start using the third shot as a simple recovery or as a chance to advance your score. You’ll be surprised how consistent your score becomes, making you more confident and mentally stronger as a player.
