Staring on the 25th of May, are the new adult and junior group sessions for golf.
Aimed for persons just starting or playing a short period.
The course lasts for 6 weeks, with each session covering a 55 minute period.
6 places are available, covering all aspects about the game of golf and the technique.
Start time for the starter session is 19.00hrs on Tuesday the 25th of May. And for the more
experienced players - Saturday 29th of May at 11.00am.
Junior sessions: Tuesday 25th of May, 17.00hrs. Covering 6 weeks, costing €50pp
Costs €50.00 per person for the 6 weeks.
If you are interested and would like to book, please use this link
If you require golf clubs for the lessons please let me know in advance.
All lessons take place at the Ring of Kerry Golf Club and all participants are
invited to arrive 10 minutes before the session starts, for warm up.